Episode 7

From "Flying With Dad" to "Dying With Dad": Talking About Death & Dying with Author Yvonne Caputo

Yvonne Caputo has been a teacher. She taught in the Erie Pennsylvania Public Schools for 18 years. She has also been the Vice President of Human Resources at a retirement community, a corporate trainer and consultant, and a psychotherapist. She has a master’s degree in education and clinical psychology. Her book, Flying with Dad, is a story about her relationship with her father through his telling of World War II stories. Her second book, Dying with Dad shares how she and her dad had tough conversations about what he wanted in the end.

She has always been a storyteller. She has used stories to widen students’ eyes and soften clients’ pain, and her stories have earned her rave reviews as a presenter and speaker.

Yvonne lives in Pennsylvania with her best friend (who is also her husband). Together they have three children, three grandchildren, and a bernedooodle.

Contact Yvonne: https://ingeniumbooks.com/yvonne-caputo/


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Happy Habits on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3wCm8b0

Happy Habits on Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/happy-habits-zaje-brown-richardson/1146447996?ean=9798341802735

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Dots In Spacetime
Life pushes us. We have to push ourselves forward.

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Zaje Richardson