Episode 2
From Fragmented to Whole: Kristin Windsor on Consciousness & Infinite Love
As a teacher and mentor, Kristin Windsor leads people to return home to their innate wholeness; reunify body, mind, and soul; and thrive through greater self-worth, confidence, joy, and inner freedom.
After independently self-healing over 100 debilitating health battles, 20 years of complex trauma, and 7 years of amnesia, Kristin integrated her wisdom into one miracle method.
By using neuroscience, consciousness, and infinite love, her Trifecta Treasure Trove™ provides unique approaches to parts, somatic, and mirror work for deep transformation. Her gifts are shared through her online business, Kristin's Quantum Catalyzers.
Kristin’s mission is to unlock Heaven on Earth from within through self-healing, soul awakening, and sacred expansion.
Her website: instagram.com/kristinsquantumcatalyzers
Website: www.DotsInSpacetime.com - Join the Journey Circle & FREE 5D Challenge
Happy Habits Book on Amazon: https://a.co/d/fwjwEYf
Happy Habits on Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/happy-habits-zaje-brown-richardson/1146447996?ean=9798341802735
IG: www.instagram.com/zajerichardson